Thursday, October 27, 2011


My bucket list was started long before the movie, it was just a list of things to do before I die I started it in 1987.  It has been surreal to be able to mark out something on my list. Some of it is unattainable but I plan on doing the ones that are. :) I also figure that it shouldn't be a 'someday' list but a list to work on through the years because 'someday' never comes.

This is my entry in the Just Ask Bucket List Getaway Giveaway. Just Ask offers a breast and ovarian cancer screening and is encouraging people to share 15 things that I want to enjoy in my lifetime as a reminder to be aware of my health. Want to enter? Head over to to get the details. 

1) To explore all 50 states (Work in progress, Hit #19 a few years ago)
2) To travel extensively in Europe, Greenland, Canada, OZ, Jerusalem and assorted holy sights.
3) Blow Glass and manipulate it. 
4) Explore Seattle (Now I want to live there!)
5) Own and decorate my own home.
6) Hold a grandchild
7)Celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.
8) I want a college education
9) Spend a month in Italy and a month in Bora Bora
10) Watch my children play in snow at least a foot deep.
11) Have a first class trip somewhere, staying in a presidential suite and having a Roll's cart me around everywhere and shopping till I drop.
12) Get a picture of me standing in front of Tiffany's in NYC with their famous blue box in hand.
13) Doing a 5k. ( I want to do one yearly now!)
14)Seeing my children succeed in whatever it is they choose to do, watching them live life to the fullest and being wonderfully happy.
15)Seeing a cure for cancer before it affects my family.(This got on my list when my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer)